Author: St. Andrew's Thunder Bay
Preparing for Christmas – Advent 2017
St. Andrew’s Helps Support Lifewater Canada
This latest donation from St. Andrew’s helps provide tools and drill rig bits so that Lifewater Canada can continue to provide safe water in to the people of Liberia.
Land of Lakes Choirboys!
Summer Camp 2017
Special 2 for 1 offer!
Bring a friend and get 50% off both registrations!
And, there’s a discount for additional children from the same family.
For more information please call Lakeview Presbyterian Church at 345-8823 or email
Download Camper Registration Form
Download Volunteer/Staff Application Form
Come to Pres-B-Camp and make new life-long Friends!
Annual Flea Market & Bake Sale
Saturday, April 29, 2017
9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Time to set aside items for the flea market, so check your overflowing cupboards and the garage that can’t hold a car! It’s a great opportunity to clear out stuff you no longer need and pass it on to someone else while supporting a Church School mission project.
Donations can be brought to the church during the week before the sale and books can be brought any time. If you can help set up on Friday or serve customers on Saturday, contact Marian Childs at 577-1324.