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St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Thunder Bay, ON
Part of the PCCWeb network of churches
To download and print full size, click Pentecost Colouring.
On April 5, 2022, the St. Andrew’s Presbyterian community lost a much beloved member, Maryellen Fleming. To view the video prepared in her honour, click the following link Maryellen Fleming.
To enrich your Lenten journey, Rev. Joyce is hosting a Tuesday midweek Zoom coffee and conversation time for Lent, “Thoughtful Tuesdays for Today and Tomorrow” using the daily devotional from from St. Andrew’s Hall, Vancouver School of Theology. You can download the booklet by clicking this link, 2022 Lenten Devotion Guide. To joint the discussion by Zoom, you can request the booklet and Zoom link to be sent via email. A print version can also be requested through the church office.
Join the discussion by Zoom:
Tuesdays, March 8th – April 12th
Should you wish to join the conversation and you
don’t have a computer contact Rev. Joyce.
Our discussions will be based on things that have caught your attention in the readings and that you may wish to share. Highlight words, phrases and more as you read. Jot down feelings, thoughts, reflections to share to spark the conversation for us all.
April 10
Palm Sunday 11:00 am
April 14
Maundy Thursday 7:00 pm
With Communion
April 15
Good Friday 11:00 am
Becoming the Way: A Good Friday Service
Based on Jesus’ “I Am” Statements
April 17
Easter Sunday 11:00 am
With Communion