New & Events

Lent & Holy Week Services, 2023

Lent & Easter Services

Learning to Live Inside Out

Wednesday February 22
Ash Wednesday Service – 7:00pm

Sunday February 26 – Lent 1
Service with Communion
If you Fall Down
Matthew 4:1-11

Sunday March 5 – Lent 2
Go From Your Country
Gen 12:1-4a ~ John 3:1-17 ~ Psalm 121

Sunday March 12 – Lent 3
Give Me Water
Exodus 17:1-7 ~ John 4:5-42

Sunday March 19 – Lent 4
In the Presence
John 9:1-41

Sunday March 26 – Lent 5
Who Could Stand
Ezekiel 37:1-14 ~ John 11:1-45

Sunday April 2
Palm Sunday Service – 11:00am

Thursday April 6
Maundy Thursday Service – 7:00pm
With Communion

Friday April 7
Good Friday Service – 11:00am

Sunday April 9
Easter Sunday Service – 11:00am

St. Andrew’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

St. Andrew’s and COVID-19

June 11, 2022 – The government of Ontario has lifted most mask mandates

The mask mandate at St. Andrew’s is now optional. Even as the pandemic is still among us, all persons are encouraged to remain respectful of the choices of others with regard to both masking and distancing.

February 10, 2022 – In-person Worship Services resume Sunday Feb. 13, 2022 at 11:00am

This Sunday we continue the worship series with  The First Fruits, where we look at scriptures taken from 1 Corinthians and see what they have to say about how we might live our lives in the Spirit of Jesus.

January 6, 2022 – COVID  Update – Another Closure

Once again COVID-19, this time driven by the Omicron variant, has brought in person worship to a halt. The Session of St. Andrew’s has decided to suspend in person worship services until further notice beginning Sunday, January 9, 2022.

The office will also be closed. We will return to full operation including in person worship when  we can gather without undue risk to all  who choose to attend. If you have questions, concerns or would like to speak with Rev. Joyce, please call her at 807-632-8348.

September 12, 2021
St. Andrew’s reopens for in person worship. All COVID-19 health and safety protocols are in place to help ensure safety for all: screening, masking, distancing and supervised traffic flow. Assistance and guidance is always on hand to provide a comfortable and secure setting.

January 14, 2021
Due to the evolving regulations mandated by the Ontario government, worship services at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church will remain suspended indefinitely. When we can safely gather once again, announcements will be made on this website and the St. Andrew’s Facebook page.

December 23, 2020
In-person worship has been suspended immediately up to and including January 24, 2021. See above for details.

September 13, 2020
In-person worship services return to St. Andrew’s beginning Sunday September 13.  Safety Guidelines for Re-opening will explain what you need to know about this process.

June 12, 2020
The Ontario Provincial Government announced on Monday June 8th that restrictions preventing people from gathering for worship since March 22nd would be lifted as of Friday June 12th.

The Session of St. Andrew’s has decided to take an approach to opening that would exercise an abundance of caution. We plan to delay in person worship until a yet to be determined date in September. In the meantime the Parish Health Ministry Team will take the lead in planning for our re-opening, making sure all the necessary COVID-19 health and safety protocols are in place so that people can attend as safely as possible. Online services will continue throughout the summer and even once the church is re-opened. Click here for details.

March 22, 2020
In light of COVID-19 the church building is closed, meaning all Sunday worship services and church activities are suspended until further notice. There is no staff at the church to take your call, retrieve phone messages, or open the door. If you have questions, concerns, or would like to speak with Rev. Joyce, please call her at 807-632-8348. You can stay up to date with St. Andrew’s by returning to this website, checking out the weekly newsletter, and services.  You can also follow us on St. Andrew’s Facebook page.

For more information regarding the above or other inquiries, Rev. Joyce and the Office Administrator may also be contacted by email.

May God be with us as  we strive to live as grace-filled people in the midst of extraordinary circumstances.

For special editions of The St. Andrew’s News as they become available, click here.


Many have asked about how they can financially support St. Andrew’s in a time when we are not able to worship together. To make a donation via CanadaHelps click here. You may also drop donations in the mailbox or send in donations. The mail is being checked regularly. You may prefer to request a PreAuthorized Remittance form that allows for donations as an automatic withdrawal from your bank account. St. Andrew’s can also accept e-transfers to the following email address:

Check this website and St. Andrew’s Facebook page for updates.