Reconciliation and Residential Schools

The Moderator of the 2021 General Assembly and the past Moderator have issued an important joint statement regarding the Church’s responsibility for residential schools operated by the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The full text of this statement details of the church’s response.


In response to the devastating confirmation of unmarked graves on the grounds of former residential schools, and in honour of the children who were lost and all people living with the consequences of that legacy, The Presbyterian Church in Canada has established the Honouring the Children: Reconciliation and Residential Schools Fund. This fund will support initiatives associated with searches for unmarked burial sites in communities where schools were operated by The Presbyterian Church in Canada.

All work will complement efforts to address systemic racism against Indigenous people, both in the church and Canadian society, and the ongoing healing and reconciliation work being done in the ministries of the National Indigenous Ministry Council.

To begin, the church has committed $1 million from national funds, and invites congregations and individuals to make additional contributions to this important work.

How to donate

Here is the link to donate –

Donations by cheque can also be made directly through St. Andrews’s. Earmark the cheque for “Honouring the Children Fund”

Lent – A Season of Preparation and Anticipation

It was at this time last year that the first rumblings of a Corona virus started becoming real to us in Canada. It would be a few more weeks before we started closing things down, but we were in Lent when all came to pass and Palm Sunday and Easter services were cancelled. We thought maybe it would all be over in a couple of weeks and then a couple of months, and now here we are wondering if we are even going to be in our sanctuary for Palm Sunday a year later.

I attended a Zoom workshop where the question posed to us was, “Where has God led us since last Ash Wednesday?” One person responded that it feels like it has been a year of Lent. I could relate. Often Lent is thought of as a time of giving up something or abstinence. This practice is meant to be a spiritual discipline. It is meant to be a preparation time for Easter, a time to really focus on the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. We have given up so much this year, from celebrations of life and death, to transitions of various kinds; beginning a school year, retirements, graduations, weddings, and changes in jobs to name a few, so giving up more seems like asking too much.

We are mourning what has been lost and so maybe this is a good time to pay attention to what God is doing. God didn’t pack up and leave. God is still with us, but it takes paying attention to see the ways that God is moving in the world. In these coming weeks leading up to Easter it may be time to finally sit and reflect. It may not be a time for giving up one more thing but rather to give thanks. Many times I have read the suggestion to take up some spiritual practice during lent, maybe prayer, scripture reading, walking with the purpose of seeing God in creation. It is meant to bring us more closely in relationship with our creator. I have decided that this season of Lent I am going to make at least one phone call, Monday through Saturday to check in on a family member, a colleague, a friend, or acquaintance, asking God to be with me in those conversations so that I may be light and salt in a world that is struggling. It will be one way that I intentionally look for what God is doing in a time that feels like an extended period of Lent.

Regardless of your take on Lent, may you find blessing and strength in this season of preparation and anticipation of the remembrance of the death and the celebration of the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Rev. Joyce Yanishewski

Welcome to the Lent Garden

Exploring the Lent Garden, Week by Week

Enjoy your journey through the Lent Garden each week. Start by clicking on the bible on the park bench. With one click you will open up a collection of daily bible readings, children’s bible story readings, prayers, and questions to think about throughout each week. Once you’ve got these devotions at hand, go ahead and explore the rest of the garden by clicking on items in the Lent Garden to discover stories, music, craft ideas, a labyrinth and so much more.

Each Sunday in Lent and on into Holy Week the Lent Garden tour offers new insights and delights so be sure to visit often during this special time. Click on the links below to open the Lent Garden gate.

Lent 5, March 21, 2021

Lent 4, March 14, 2021

Lent 3, March 7, 2021

Lent 2, February 28, 2021

Lent 1, February 21, 2021

Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2021