
At St. Andrew’s we believe in fostering a rich spiritual life, supporting physical health and providing a variety opportunities for fellowship and friendship.

Recreation and fellowship at St. Andrew’s come in many forms: mission activities, local, national and international; summer camps for children and teens; social groups that serve the church and broader community; and some, such as the choir and the Heritage Committee that focus on a shared interest.

Lifelong learning
Lifelong learning extends from the nursery program, through church school to worship and adult study sessions.

    • Just Beginning
      Infants, toddlers and young children, along with their caregivers are welcome in an area the worship space for times of quiet play. Families can also go to the nursery if they choose to have a break for themselves and their children.
    • Sunday Church School
      Children 5 and up attend during church service for fun, friends, Bible study, and spiritual growth.
    • Profession of Faith: Affirmation of Baptism Class
      A program of study is offered for those who may wish to be baptized or to affirm their baptism, often understood as confirmation or profession of faith. See more information about joining St. Andrew’s.
    • Adult Bible/book study
      Sessional Bible and book study encourages open dialogue and opportunities for adults to grow in their faith.

Women’s Fellowship
Friendship, devotions and social gatherings await you in the women’s groups centred in support of the church as well as shared interests and concerns. To find out which group is right for you, just call the church office for contact information and details.

The St. Andrew’s story is an amazing saga of determination and action inspired by faith. The Heritage group keeps that story alive and growing with special events and intriguing displays of photos and other memorabilia that span over a century, from the earliest beginnings to present days.

Blessing of Prayer Shawls
Blessing of Prayer Shawls

Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry began as a way to care for those who are ill, grieving or would just feel better having one of the cozy and comforting shawls around their shoulders. The dedicated group of knitters creates beautiful shawls in a variety of styles and colours.

Parish Health Ministry
This program ministers to the congregation as part of the Leading with Care partnership. It consists of registered nurses and other health related personnel seeking to transform the Faith Community of St. Andrew’s into a place of health and healing.

Blood pressure clinics are offered following worship service on the 3rd Sunday of the month and along with Lunch with a Difference. The PHM also maintains the defibrillator and provides First Aid Kits and First Aid as needed. In addition to providing current health information, a resource person is available for consult on safe food handling. The group also maintains the loans cupboard with wheelchairs, walkers and canes. Mobility equipment is available on a loaner bases for in home use.

Prayer Chain
The prayer chain is a dedicated group of church members who are available to pray on behalf of a fellow parishioner. Any member of the congregation who would like the support and comfort of prayer can activate the prayer chain by calling the church office.

Caring and Contact

Caring & Contact Volunteers reach out to members
Caring & Contact Volunteers reach out to members

The Caring and Contact group makes phone calls and maintains contact with members of the St. Andrew’s community who are confined to their homes or in hospital. They also help out in the office and send out notes and cards in recognition of special birthdays, announcements and accomplishments. Their annual Caring and Contact Tea is a special autumn event that features sandwiches and dainties, entertainment, singing, much chatter, renewal of old friendships and communion service held in the beautiful sanctuary.

Lunch with a Difference
Once a month people who usually eat alone gather for fine food, fellowship, fun and of course, candy. The meal, along with entertainment and health information is provided by a great group of enthusiastic volunteers committed to making each lunch a special event.

Fun and Fitness
In keeping with the goal of maintaining an active physical and social life, women have the opportunity to attend the exercise program that meets once a week. The Fun and Fitness group offers whole body workouts and relaxing stretches for women of all ages. You need bring only a mat, a good pair of running shoes and a bottle of water. Just to make it even easier, you can store your mat at the church.