August 21, 2022

Now is the Time

Now is the Time   I knocked and then walked into the room. It was the first time I would me...
Scripture: Luke 13:10-17
July 17, 2022


Distracted Mary and Martha. Mary the one who has been portrayed as the sister who got it right as s...
Scripture: Luke 10:38-42
July 10, 2022

The Neighbour

The Neighbour   How do you define a neighbour? Is it someone who lives along side of you? O...
Scripture: Luke 10:25-37
June 26, 2022


Freedom   The word “freedom” gets tossed around a lot today. I think the most striking and ...
Scripture: Galatians 5:1,13-25
June 19, 2022

Control Issues

Control Issues Power. The power of nature. Water’s ability to flood plains and whole areas. We see ...
Scripture: Luke 8:26-39