Hello, Farewell!

St. Andrew’s has a new Clerk of Session! 
John Mason has stepped into this important position, taking over from Larry Hebert, whose time as Clerk saw the search for a new minister, collapse of ceiling panels in the sanctuary and initiation of the Restoration campaign. Larry continues as co-chair of the Restoration Fundraising Committee and member of the Worship Committee. Many thanks for all the hard work and dedication through this difficult period.

John Mason, in addition to his duties as Clerk, chairs the Mission and Outreach Committee and ensures the presence of ushers to welcome all arriving for Sunday worship services. For an idea about the many talents he brings to the job, visit the Meet the Staff page. Welcome John!

St. Andrew’s has new Administrative Assistant
Kaitlin Wolframe, a native of Thunder Bay and graduate of Confederation College has joined St. Andrew’s as the new administrative assistant, and will be looking after office duties Monday to Friday mornings, taking over from Faye Larsen. Faye will now be free to visit grandchildren and enjoy retired life. Thank you Faye!

How we made a difference

Throughout the year the congregation of St. Andrew’s strives to express our faith through sharing with those in need, locally, nationally and elsewhere in the world. During the Christmas season we make a special effort to bring comfort and joy to those in the area through gifts and cash donations. To read some of the heart-warming responses to our endeavors, click here.

St. Andrew’s gratefully receives grant

St. Andrew’s has been overwhelmed by support for restoration of the beautiful, historic building. We are deeply grateful. One of the latest donations comes from the Shirley M. & Meredith O. Nelson Fund established by Deborah Kraft in honour of her mother and father.

Deborah Kraft (centre) and her father Moe Nelson (right) presenting donation to Rev. Joyce Yanishewski
Deborah Kraft (centre) and her father Moe Nelson (right) presenting donation to Rev. Joyce Yanishewski

Staff Updates

Please join us in welcoming Jim McLean as our new caretaker. Jim has taken up his duties and will be here:

  • Sundays from 8:30 to 12:30
  • Mondays to Thursdays, 8:00 to 12 noon.

During the month of December, Lori Gosselin will cover the office while Faye is away, until the new year. Lori will be in the office:

  • Mondays to Thursday, from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

Fridays, Rev. Joyce plans to be in the building, along with the Caring & Contact person.

Presents for Peace

Thanks to all who contributed, shopped and delivered! 
Once again, the St. Andrew’s community has displayed great generosity  and gathered an abundance of gifts for the women and children of Thunder Bay’s Women’s Shelters, Elizabeth Fry Society, and a family with the Children’s Aid Society. The donations were delivered on December 15, ensuring a happier Christmas for both givers and recipients.


White Gift Sunday – December 13

Christmas treeOn this, the third Sunday in Advent, we bring non-perishable food items unwrapped or in a white bag or loose wrapping, or cash/cheque donations to place under the Christmas tree in the sanctuary. All food is delivered to the RFDA. Please make cheques payable to St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church and marked for the RFDA. Your donation will be forwarded to the RFDA and included on your St. Andrew’s tax receipt.

History of White Gift Sunday
White Gift Sunday dates back to 1904 in Ohio. The wife of a Methodist minister and her two daughters came up with the idea of giving gifts wrapped in white paper at Christmas time to people in need.

Gifts are wrapped in white so that they will be anonymous. People who can only give a little will not be embarrassed. There is a Chinese tradition where all the people gave their king a gift wrapped in plain white paper so that every gift would look the same. People gave the king what they were able, and the king welcomed them all.

The White Gift shares in the spirit of Christ and the God of love at Christmas. We give gifts of love to people in need. These gifts are often nonperishable food items that are distributed to people in the community.

White Gift Sunday celebrates the stewardship of God’s love and giving at the time of year when we remember the coming of the King of Kings.